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COTRG0501054Proposed incorporation map of ThorntontextUnited States--Colorado--Thornton--Maps
view first image of Proposed incorporation map of Thornton
Subject:United States--Colorado--Thornton--Maps
Description:Black and white official map of the area of Adams County that some of the community intended to incorporate into the City of Thornton. It includes a legal description of the land as well as boundary lines and planned development.
COTRG0401001Aerial view inside home after its roof was torn offimageTornado damage
view first image of Aerial view inside home after its roof was torn off
Subject:Tornado damage
Description:Black and white image depicting an aerial view of a Thornton home after a Tornado struck the city in the summer of 1981. The roof has been torn off, and the interior of the home is visible with debris scattered throughout.
COTRG0401002Aerial view of a residential block after 1981 tornadoimageTornado damage
view first image of Aerial view of a residential block after 1981 tornado
Subject:Tornado damage
Description:Color image depicting five houses on a residential block and several cars parked along the street. One of the homes is badly damaged from the 1981 tornado; the roof is missing and debris is spread across several lawns.
COTRG0401006Aerial view of two homes damaged by the 1981 tornadoimageTornado damage
view first image of Aerial view of two homes damaged by the 1981 tornado
Subject:Tornado damage
Description:Color image depicting an aerial view of two homes with severe roof damage and debris scattered across their back lawns. Several cars are parked on the street and in the lawns in front of the homes.
COTRG0401003Aerial view of two residential streets after 1981 tornadoimageTornado damage
view first image of Aerial view of two residential streets after 1981 tornado
Subject:Tornado damage
Description:Color image depicting six homes on either side of a residential street in Thornton after the 1981 tornado. Debris can be seen in several lawns, and the roof of one house is badly damaged.
COTRG0401005Debris covering the grounds of the Thornton Municipal BuildingimageTornado damage
view first image of Debris covering the grounds of the Thornton Municipal Building
Subject:Tornado damage
Description:Color image depicting the Thornton Municipal Building, which housed local government offices during the 1980's, just after the 1981 tornado. Debris from buildings and trees cover the lawn of the building, and a street sign in front of the building appears wind damaged. [show more]
COTRG0401008Downed tree on Thornton home after the 1981 tornadoimageTornado damage
view first image of Downed tree on Thornton home after the 1981 tornado
Subject:Tornado damage
Description:Black and white image depicting a home with roof damage and a downed tree laying across the damaged roof. Three people can be seen standing on the lawn next to the home and appear to be assessing other damage in the area.
COTRG0401010Rescue workers and citizens assess damage after the 1981 tornadoimageTornado damage
view first image of Rescue workers and citizens assess damage after the 1981 tornado
Subject:Tornado damage
Description:Color image depicting several people, one of whom is dressed in fire rescue gear, standing in a street and an adjacent parking lot in a commercial area of Thornton. They all appear to be assessing the tornado damage while surrounded by debris. Rescue vehicles can be seen parked further down the street, and the sky still appears dark and cloudy. [show more]
COTRG0401004Residential garage damage from 1981 tornadoimageTornado damage
view first image of Residential garage damage from 1981 tornado
Subject:Tornado damage
Description:Black and white image depicting the front of a Thornton home with an attached garage. The garage is visibly damaged from the tornado, with the door hanging and debris scattered in the driveway around a downed tree that also lays across the driveway. [show more]
COTRG0401011Residents assessing home damage after the 1981 tornadoimageTornado damage
view first image of Residents assessing home damage after the 1981 tornado
Subject:Tornado damage
Description:Color image depicting three or four people standing in the front lawn of a home that has been severely damaged by the tornado. The people appear to be assessing the damage to the home, and debris can be seen on the ground surrounding the home.