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COTRG0401009Utility truck arrives in residential area after the 1981 tornadoimageTornado damage
view first image of Utility truck arrives in residential area after the 1981 tornado
Subject:Tornado damage
Description:Color image depicting an aerial view of the corners of two residential blocks where a badly damaged home and scattered debris can be seen. A utility truck is parked along a street next to the damaged home, and appears to be attempting to repair damage or clear debris. [show more]
COTRG0401007Utility pole damaged by the 1981 tornadoimageTornado damage
view first image of Utility pole damaged by the 1981 tornado
Subject:Tornado damage
Description:Black and white image depicting a utility pole leaning over the roof of a home. Debris covers the lawn of the home and surrounds the base of the utility pole. The power lines are still attached to the pole and seem to be preventing the pole from falling. [show more]
COTRG0501004Town Talk vol. 1, no. 1, pg. 4textCommunity newspapers
view first image of Town Talk vol. 1, no. 1, pg. 4
Subject:Community newspapers
Description:Black and white copy of the fourth page of the first volume and number of Town Talk, the first local newsletter in Thornton
COTRG0501003Town Talk vol. 1, no. 1, pg. 3textCommunity newspapers
view first image of Town Talk vol. 1, no. 1, pg. 3
Subject:Community newspapers
Description:Black and white copy of the third page of the first volume and number of Town Talk, the first local newsletter in Thornton
COTRG0501002Town Talk vol. 1, no. 1, pg. 2textCommunity newspapers
view first image of Town Talk vol. 1, no. 1, pg. 2
Subject:Community newspapers
Description:Black and white copy of the second page of the first volume and number of Town Talk, the first local newsletter in Thornton
COTRG0501023Town Talk Thornton Extra pagetextCommunity newspapers
view first image of Town Talk Thornton Extra page
Subject:Community newspapers
Description:Black and white copy of the "Thornton Extra" page of Town Talk. It provides information on current and upcoming community events.
COTRG0203010Tony Fisher and the Thornton sanitation crewimageMunicipal officials and employees--United States--Colorado--Thornton
view first image of Tony Fisher and the Thornton sanitation crew
Subject:Municipal officials and employees--United States--Colorado--Thornton
Description:Black and white photo depicting four men standing in a row in front of a large Thornton sanitation truck. Three of the men were members of Thornton's sanitation crew while the fourth man on the far right is Tony Fisher.
COTRG0801003Thornton's First 50 Years, 1956-2006TextLocal government publications
United States--Colorado--Thornton--History
view first image of Thornton's First 50 Years, 1956-2006
Subject:Local government publications
United States--Colorado--Thornton--History
Description:This booklet was created and published by City of Thornton employees to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Thornton's incorporation. It is 22 pages long and describes notable events from 1956-2006. It is organized chronologically and includes images and maps. [show more]
Thornton's 1928 LaFrance Fire Engine at a shed fireThornton's 1928 LaFrance Fire Engine at a shed fireImageFire fighters--1960-1970
Fire engines and equipment--United States--Colorado--Thornton
view first image of Thornton's 1928 LaFrance Fire Engine at a shed fire
Subject:Fire fighters--1960-1970
Fire engines and equipment--United States--Colorado--Thornton
Description:Black and white image of Thornton Fire Fighters battling a fire that engulfed a small shed. The first Thornton Fire Engine, a 1928 LaFrance, is parked near the fire with the doors open.
COTRG0501039Thornton World-Herald vol. 1, no. 5, pg. 3textCommunity newspapers
view first image of Thornton World-Herald vol. 1, no. 5, pg. 3
Subject:Community newspapers
Description:Black and white copy of the third page of the Thornton World-Herald volume 1, number 5. This page completes the piece on the incorporation of Thornton that began on the front page of this issue.